
Killer Kops, pt 2

How many more names will be added to the list?


All In The Family


Lil' Hijabi

Who doesn't try to speak for them?

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Scene from Twilight

The scene depicts a pivotal moment in this young child's life where he discovers, along with those around him, his strange power. This also marks the beginning of his alienation from the larger community. The color version below is the image on the homepage of the site. Certain elements were changed digitally, despite my professed distaste in such technique. Ya can't win 'em all!

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Doctor, Doctor, Gimme The News



Post-Colonial Comics

Cinematic globalization and it's finest product. Oh, and didja hear? You too can tour the slums of the heartfelt fairy tale romance of the year!

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After an inexcusably long time, I finally saw Apes in HD glory. In addition to being a compelling parable of the human nature and the modern nation-state, it also had some fly monkey costumes! Damn you Burton, it will always be 1968 for Apes!

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Will Perform For Food

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King Khans

What does the future hold for these two Bollywood titans? Better hair? Tighter abs? More adolescent-looking costars? I don't believe any of this is likely. Or even possible.

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The Future of Rock

This hip fellow was sketched out in my own image. If only I could convincingly rock a skull t-shirt.

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Those Wacky Couples

"I hate you."
"I know."


Fence Sitter